Track App
The perfect pocket companion for tracking your freight.
Introducing Northline’s new Track App.
New features include visibility through the entire journey, estimated time of arrivals, flexibility for searching, and customisable notifications.
To enjoy these new features, simply visit the app store on your device to download.

Key Features
- Customers can login to see all current consignments and history
- Track a guest by entering consignment number
- Quick view of current status and ETA
- Search by consignment, reference number or scan the barcode
- Guests are able to view search history
- Filter by time frame or custom date range
- Expand a consignment to see details of sender and receiver
- Customise what notifications you want to receive
- Set notification preferences for all consignments in settings
- Notifications will appear in your devices status bar and home screen
Like to find out more?
View our Track app key features